CISL Tutorial for New NCAR HPC Users

May. 24, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 am MDT


The CISL Consulting Services Group will present an online tutorial at 10 a.m. MDT on Monday, May 24, for new users of NCAR’s Cheyenne high-performance computing (HPC) system and storage resources. The 60-minute tutorial – presented by CSG’s Mick Coady – will cover basic usage and typical user workflows and include time for users to ask questions.

Participants are assumed to have a basic understanding of high-performance computing systems but it is not required for this tutorial. They will learn:

  • What HPC systems are available at NCAR and how to access them
  • What data storage systems are available to users
  • What helpful resources are available

Please register here for the tutorial. You will receive your Zoom meeting login credentials by email. By registering, you agree to abide by the UCAR Code of Conduct. The tutorial will be recorded and made available to participants and others on the CISL web site.